This weekend begins a special prayer opportunity for our community, our traveling Jubilee Shofar. Every weekend, a different household will take home our Jubilee Shofar, using it as a focal point for prayer during the week. Whoever has the Shofar will take the week to intercede for our community, asking the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and minds during the Jubilee Year.
Whether your household is one person or fifteen, please consider signing up to take the Jubilee Shofar home for one week. The priest will give you the Shofar after communion at whatever Mass you attend. In addition to the Jubilee Shofar, you will get suggestions and guides for praying that week. Then return the Jubilee Shofar to the Ministry Center before 4pm on Friday so it is available for the next household.
To sign up for a week, click the button below.